Our Prospectus:
The Challenge Facing us
This has been the worst ever General Election defeat for the Conservative Party. The Party had been behind in the polls since November 2021and
since then a series of events had made defeat almost inevitable. The “natural party of government” has returned just a hugely diminished number of MPs. Even if performance had been double that, it would still have been a defeat of historic proportions.
After 14 years in government the Party is tired. There seems to be little fresh thinking to develop policy; the Party has become ill-disciplined and embroiled in many controversies. Added to the electoral misfortunes, there is a real risk that post-election factionalism causes more damage. There will inevitably be a leadership election in the coming months, and the long term
direction of the Party is at stake.
The Conservative Party has been the most electorally successful political party ever. We have the ability to come back from this devastating
election, but it is not a foregone conclusion.
The solution
A period in opposition will be healthy for the Party to rebuild and renew. The next Leader will be critical to driving that change, albeit they may well
not be leading the Party back into power directly. The Conservative Party needs to honestly assess both the internal issues of party management and
various areas of policy failure. We need to admit where things have gone wrong and develop a new vision for governing the United Kingdom.
A period in opposition means that we can focus on the long term vision. Not simply chasing short term electoral advantage, but explaining and
selling difficult policies to the electorate and grappling with complex issues which impact on the communities we serve.
That requires a return to pragmatic politics, rather than the increasingly dogmatic ideologies that have come to dominate all political parties in
recent years. Previous loose alliances have almost become shadow operations. A return to a broad church conservatism is the only way to reunite the Party, rebuild trust with the electorate and rebuild our country.
Our vision to rebuild:
ReBuild is a new organisation to develop conservative policy and rejuvenate the Party. Primarily a think tank with the initial remit of developing policy around policing and justice, but with scope to extend to all policy areas.
Founded by a group of Conservative Police and Crime Commissioners – representing presently the most electorally successful part of the Conservative Party – and with support for Peers, MPs, candidates and activists we are seeking to build a wide base of support across the Conservative family.
Uniting to ReBuild
British politics has, over the recent years, become increasingly factional. This is a challenge for all parties, not just the Conservatives. It is one of the factors that has contributed to the further decline in confidence in our political system. Only by building a broad consensus to deliver practical policy solutions to the problems that face our country can we hope to unite and win.
Uniting for Britain
We must recognise that the division seen in politics is sadly a reflection of our wider-society. Across the political spectrum, all parties are seeking to appeal to a diminishing core vote, driven almost entirely by the latest polling results.
For Britain to thrive, her politicians need to clearly understand the challenges being faced by our citizens now, and recognise the threats in the
future. We need to develop a new conservative vision, that recognises our differences, but seeks to persuade and convince the electorate, rather
than simply appealing to our divisions.
Party Leadership
There will be a leadership contest in the coming months, yet throughout the election campaign it has been impossible to say which of the front-runners would even be re-elected. ReBuild does is not an organisation intended to
endorse or be aligned with any particular candidate. We want a Leader who will unite the Party and deliver on our vision for a broad-based recovery for the Conservatives.
Your Role in ReBuilding:
Broad-based support
We have already received the back of former MPs, Peers, candidates, PCCs, councillors and prominent activists; but ReBuild is about a broad range of
supporters across the Conservative family – and indeed beyond.
Rebuilding the organisation and support within the Conservative Party is clearly a driving purpose of its membership.
There is a reason that the Conservative Party is the most successful electoral organisation on the planet. That is pragmatism. Of course we all have our own outlook that draws us into politics, but we are at our best when we focus on the communities we seek to serve and the policies that will deliver a stronger Britain.
We want all willing supporters to back our work. Collectively we will develop the policies our country needs and rebuild the election winning
machine that can put those policies in action to benefit Britain.
Everyone involved with ReBuild wants to see the Conservatives returned to government. Not for the sake of the Party, but to the benefit of the country. We can only do that by understanding the issues that impact every citizen acrossBritain. If we want to build a truly broad based Party we need to understand and represent those we seek to serve.
We need to recognise the reasons for this election defeat and our position in parliament. Only an honest analysis of the good and the bad in recent years will allow us to survive into the future.
ReBuild will become the think tank to develop a wide range of policies for the next generation of Conservatives; but we can only do that with the
insight and expertise of all our supporters. Professional policy development and grass roots thinking will help to ensure we provide the right plan for the future of our country.
Take Action: Today
Now is the time to take action. We want to add the support of more people to our cause, ensuring that now the election is over we can continue to grow, attracting new members of the parliamentary party, and harnessing the wealth of knowledge that is held by those outside.
Join us now to help rebuild the Conservative Party and rebuild the United Kingdom. With an historically large majority for the Labour Party we need to start now, to begin the fight back. Over the coming years, the new government could do immense damage to our country and our constitution. We need to begin now to prepare ourselves for the next battle and ensure
that we deliver a clear plan for a prosperous nation.
Join us now…